ZED Business provides you with all the requirements to establish your company in Dubai, your residency and commercial registration in Dubai in only three steps

Following the amendments to the UAE Companies Law (wholly owned by mainland Dubai) that came into force on June 1, it is no longer required for foreign entrepreneurs to have national partners to set up a company in the UAE . Whereas, Minister of Economy Abdullah bin Tok Al-Marri stated that doubling the benefit from the competitive atmosphere that characterizes it is the main goal of the UAE government encouraging commercial activities. Last year, the UAE announced a law allowing 100% foreign company ownership. This was one of many measures aimed at attracting investment and foreigners who have been hit hard by the coronavirus outbreak. As foreigners can already own up to 100 percent in “free zones, under previous laws that were first issued in 2018. ”

Previously, the general rule for foreigners wishing to set up a business in the UAE was that 51 percent of the shares had to be held by Emiratis (or companies wholly owned by Emiratis). The UAE Companies Law includes this requirement. Despite the prevailing impression that it is possible to modify the economic power of international and local shareholders to some extent when it comes to ownership and decision-making in the company, there are still many questions and inquiries regarding the feasibility of these arrangements .


The most prominent provisions of the new law In line with the newly issued laws, some of the following major amendments have been introduced to the activities of investors and shareholders :

  • For commercial registration in Dubai, UAE companies no longer need to own majority shares of shareholders and local representatives in the UAE .
  • According to the policy of the United Arab Emirates formulated in the form of a decision of the Council of Ministers .
  • Allowing foreign capital to own commercial organizations affiliated with the Emirates, that is, companies in the country .
  • Initial Public Offerings (IPO) allow companies listed on the stock exchange to sell 70% of their shares. Previously, this percentage did not exceed 30 %.
  • If the company, through its managers or one of the partners, takes actions that cause a loss of revenue, the owner of the company has the right to sue the listed company before the court .
  • Local governments are allowed to recognize the capitalization and percentage of ownership and the necessary approval for business on the land in accordance with the guidelines of the Cabinet decision. Previously, these powers were limited to the Ministry of Economy or the economic sector of each emirate .
  • Presiding over meetings is no longer confined to Emiratis; It may be headed by foreigners .
  • Similarly, the ban on foreigners from serving as members of the board of directors has also been lifted .
  • Because of the global epidemic, the general meeting of shareholders will also hold an automatic vote .
  • The possibility of removing a board member or the company’s president from his position due to abuse of power .

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* Why was the 100% ownership law implemented for internal companies in Dubai?

The UAE is trying to enhance its popularity with global buyers, entrepreneurs, start-ups and the best talent markets around the world, striving to facilitate business creation by removing existing barriers and opening up the economy, propelling the country to a stronger position as it prepares for the next 50 years .

* How outright ownership law might affect startups

Speaking of flexibility in setting up a business , new investors in the UAE market have a strategic advantage. Non-Emiratis of all nationalities can now fully own their businesses under the new legislation, as long as they work in one of the permitted industries .

* How property law will affect an existing business

An existing company of a limited liability company can be renewed by selling the shares of UAE nationals to foreigners and making them the sole owner of the company .

According to the amendment, existing companies are required to “relocate” by January 2, 2022. To bring quorums, notice, and meeting specifications in line with the amendment, local office engagement materials may need to be amended .

* How property law will affect an existing business

An existing company of a limited liability company can be renewed by selling the shares of UAE nationals to foreigners and making them the sole owner of the company .

According to the amendment, existing companies are required to “relocate” by January 2, 2022. To bring quorums, notice, and meeting specifications in line with the amendment, local office engagement materials may need to be amended .

* How ZED Business can help you

In ZED Business, we seek to clarify all standards and business requirements so that we can provide professional and reliable advice on current laws and regulations, inform our customers about all their rights, and provide cost-effective solutions that suit their needs and budget .

Establishing a company in Dubai

In a few years, Dubai succeeded in becoming a destination for entrepreneurs and start-up companies, not only in the region, but also in the world . A fertile environment and the birth of emerging companies rising to the top, and inspiring talents, entrepreneurs and young people in the world .

Experts in establishing a company in Dubai confirmed that the support of the UAE government for start-up companies has created an unprecedented awareness among Arab youth of the many opportunities it holds for their future and the possibility of repeating the wonderful success stories achieved by companies established in Dubai and in the rest of the regional markets .


Steps to establish a company in Dubai

Requires Establishing a company in Dubai Follow a set of steps and approvals required by the Department of Economic Development and other concerned authorities to officially register the establishment. In the beginning, you must specify the type of activity that you want to engage in, and this, in turn, will determine the parties involved in the activity and the permitted legal forms .

We will now review the complete and necessary steps to establish a company in Dubai :

  1. Determine the company’s commercial activity .
  2. Determine the legal form and the parties .
  3. Determine and reserve the trade name .
  4. Submitting a certificate of principle approval .
  5. Preparing the articles of incorporation and service agent agreement .
  6. Choose the company’s location and document the lease .
  7. Obtaining the approvals of the organizing authorities for the activity .
  8. Receipt of the trade license .


Zed Business offers a range of innovative solutions to help you establish your business in Dubai .
It also provides you with all the services you need to launch and develop your business, whatever your activity and whatever the best option for your business, whether the free zone or the mainland. At ZED Business, we offer you a set of innovative business solutions that put you on the right track and help you carry out your business within the best incubators and business centers around the world .

As a leading company in establishing companies and providing business solutions in Dubai, the team of business consultants at ZED Business can help you accelerate the process of establishing your company in addition to reserving the trade name .
You can rely on ZED Business to complete all procedures for establishing a company in Dubai in record time if all your documents are ready, without hidden fees and without any difficulties .

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