It is something that concerns many people, as we find many individuals looking for an opportunity to travel to the Emirates, whether for tourism or converting a visa from tourism to a work visa, and for this, you need to know how to obtain a tourist visa for the Emirates for enjoyment or for work, and we will get to know all the details in this article .

How to obtain a tourist visa for the Emirates


How to obtain a tourist visa for the Emirates

Of course, if you are a fan of travel and tourism, especially to the Emirates, you should know the most important information as follows :

  • It is worth noting that you must know how long you will spend .
  • Accordingly, the type of visa, its price and purpose are identified .
  • It should be noted that there are many types of tourist visas for the UAE .
  • Accordingly, you have to choose the most suitable for you to enjoy all the interesting places .

What are the places to obtain a tourist visa for the Egyptians Emirates ?

It is necessary to know the places of extraction Visa Tourism Egyptians to be able to travel, as follows :

  • Accordingly, you must go to the Emirati tourism companies inside Egypt .
  • It is also worth mentioning to go to the Egyptian companies that contracted with the UAE embassy .
  • In this context, you can also obtain a visa through airlines .
  • To clarify this, there are airlines attached to Emirates Airlines .
  • It is the Arab Emirates Company, Fly Dubai and several other companies .
  • It must be noted that there are a number of tourist hotels in Egypt that pass this procedure .
  • Accordingly, obtaining your tourist visa for the Emirates in Egypt .
  • It is also worth noting that it is possible to go to the UAE Consulate in Cairo .
  • Therefore, you will be able to obtain a visa after submitting the required documents .

How to obtain a tourist visa for the Emirates .

Based on the above, the issuance of the visa to the applicant will be according to the conditions that we will learn about as follows :

  • It is necessary to know that if all the papers submitted are complete, he does not wait long .
  • Accordingly, he can receive his own visa or visa within the week .
  • This starts from the time of submitting the application and the required papers, or a few more days .
  • We note that the visa is received through the applicant’s e-mail .
  • Please note that they will be in GI formats fobdf . _ _
  • Of course, you must print the visa in color and attach it to the passport .
  • Accordingly , the visa gives you the right to stay in the UAE for a period of 30 days .
  • It is obvious that this should be from the first day of obtaining the visa, or it depends on the type of visa .
  • Within this framework, you can obtain a 90-day visa and pay its value .
  • This is through electronic payment methods, but with the credit card of the applicant .
  • It is also worth noting that you can change the visa from tourism to work .
  • We do not fail to point out that this must be before the end of the visa period .
  • And if you wish to do so, you must find a job opportunity within the period specified for you in the visa .
  • Based on this, the company, the employer or the sponsor works to obtain a work visa .

What are the types of tourist visa for the Emirates?

It must be emphasized that there are many types of visas and they differ in terms of duration, as explained in the following points :

  • In this context, we find the short tourist visa, which is for a period of 14 days only .
  • There is also a 30-day visa, which is double-entry or even single-entry .
  • In this sense, we also find a 60-day multi-entry tourist visa .
  • It must be noted that there is also a tourist visa for a period of 90 days, which is multiple entry .
  • A 90-day tourism visa is also available for one time only .
  • Therefore, you must know that there is a transit visa for a period of 96 hours .


Submit an application for a tourist visa

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